Notes and Glosses in Literary Translation
1 Erlina Zulkifli Mahmud, 2Taufik Ampera, 3Inu Isnaeni Sidiq
1,2,3Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM 21 Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i1-48

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Notes and Glosses are two different terms referring to one type of translation procedure namely Notes, Addition, Glosses. Addition is excluded in the title as it is not discussed in this research. This translation procedure is one of the translation procedures whose function is to provide additional information mostly when translating very specific terms like technical terms and cultural words. This research uses three Indonesian novels translated into English as the data source. It is therefore it involves literary translation. The background of this research is that each novel has its own preference dealing with the form of additional information. Using descriptive-qualitative research method with Translation Studies for analyzing the data, this research is aimed at identifying the kind of Notes and Addition involved and revealing the topic of information added both in the source language text and in the target language texts. The results show that the use of Notes either at the bottom of page as footnotes or at the end of book as end-notes and the use of glossary as Glosses at the end of book do not always depend on the additional information given by the authors of the source language texts, the translators may increase the occurrence of the notes in the target text, therefore, the topics of additional information are more various in the target language texts.


Additional information, glosses, literal translation, notes, translation procedure


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