Contribution of Higher Education Institutions in Preserving the Islamic Local Culture of Gorontalo, Indonesia
1Mujahid Damopolii, 2Hasyim Mahmud Wantu, 3Taufiq Arqam Wantu, 4Tiara N. Umar, 5Muhammad Obie
1,2Lecturer of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
3,4Student of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
5Department of Sociology, State Islamic University of Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i10-15

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This study analyzed the contribution of higher education institutions in Gorontalo to the preservation of local culture, more specifically the local Islamic culture of Gorontalo. It was a qualitative research in which researchers collected data through observation, interviews, and document studies. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out during data collection and at a certain period when data collection has been completed. The results show that in Gorontalo today local culture is more identical to the older genre. Therefore, higher education institutions are required to be able to contribute to the sustainability and preservation of Gorontalo culture, especially Gorontalo Islamic culture which is the cultural wealth of the archipelago. The management of higher education institutions must be managed properly. In particular, the good university management is then commonly referred to as good university governance. The people of Indonesia have the potential to make a holistic contribution to the expansion of scientific knowledge if they establish sound university administrations that are founded on traditional knowledge. The idea of good university governance based on local wisdom and its actualization can be utilized in many different areas of education, including the advancement of science, technology, and culture. Higher education institutions in Gorontalo ought to be able to make the most of their role in the preservation of cultural traditions and more specifically the Islamic culture that is indigenous to Gorontalo. It is hoped that this would have a positive influence on the younger generation, as they are the ones who will carry on the traditions of the local culture and ensure that they continue to exist.


Higher education institutions, local culture, Islam, Gorontalo


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