1Helvy Yunida,2Awalludin Tjalla,3Iva Sarifah
1,2,3postgraduate Doctoral Program, State University of Jakarta, Department of Educational Research and Evaluation
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i10-24Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Independent Learning and Independent Campus are new curricula initiated by the Minister of Education and culture. This curriculum is in line with the character of young people in this digitalization era. Where today's young people have more interests and talents that are different from the past, therefore today is said to be the millennial era. Where today's young people do not want to be confined from the desire to be creative according to their interests, talents and potential according to their era. This idea is inseparable from the experience of the Minister of Education and culture abroad. He wants to develop the experience he got while abroad in Indonesia. Along with this digital era, Indonesia must be ready for the industrial revolution 5.0. With the implementation of independent learning and independent campuses, learners can fill their skills by participating in extracurricular activities in the form of courses, internships/work practices, Student Exchanges, Teaching Assistance in Education Units, Research/Research, Entrepreneurial Activities, Independent Studies/Projects and developing villages/ thematic real work lectures. Where this activity is carried out within the Study Program and outside the Study Program. The government hopes that after completing education, they can immediately prepare themselves to enter the world of work. So that college graduates are ready to use. Both enter the world of work and the world of entrepreneurship. So that there will be no more unemployment in Indonesia, because young people are ready to compete in the national and international arena. So that it can welcome the era of the industrial revolution 5.0.
KEY WORDS:Independence, learning, campus, Revolution, industry, 5.0
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