Kalume, VM
Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Faculty of Education, Department of Linguistics Mwanza
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i10-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper investigates the possibility of transforming tourism sector in Tanzania using secondary sources. The paper is descriptive in order to describe the potential influence of tourism and hospitality industry that has attracted considerable interest in academia and industry alike. The findings suggest that there is limited ways in which some tourist products are measured and sold by some participating hotels and lodges (especially new ones) for measuring the influence tourism and hospitality on their respective goals and the different perspectives, namely financial or other, taken into consideration when doing so. Overall, the findings suggest that tourism sector in the country has once again increased the prospects of growth. The paper concludes that it is important for company operating for a while to have their presence online to enable them to observe and measure the social engagement attentively in order to succeed in financial terms.
KEYWORDS:More sustainable, more inclusive, tourism sector, transformation, Tanzania.
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