Impact of Electronic Braille Note-Taking Devices Use on Academic Performance of Visually Impaired Learners in Selected Special Primary Schools in Kenya
1Davies Kiprotich, 2Lilian N. Milimu, 3Naftali Rop
1,2,3Department of Education Foundation & Psychology, Maasai Mara University, P.O. Box 861-20500, Narok, Kenya.

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Owing to technological advancements, Electronic Braille note-taking (EBN) devices have been developed and are currently in use by learners with visual impairment in Kenya. This study intends to examine the impact of EBN devices on academic performance of visually impaired learners in selected special primary schools in Kenya. The study used a descriptive design while applying both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Six special schools were purposively sampled: St. Francis Special School in West Pokot County, Marigat Special School in Baringo County, Kiomiti Special School in Kisii County, Korara Special School in Bomet County, Kibos Salvation Army School for Visually Impaired in Kisumu County and Salvation Army Thika Special Primary School in Kiambu County. The data was analyzed both descriptively and thematically. The results were presented in form of tables and figures. The findings of the study show that the EBN devices as used in the primary schools for visually Impaired learners in Kenya have a positive impact on their academic performance. This study recommends that the stakeholders of schools with Visually Impaired leaners to increase the supply and distribution of EBN devices to the schools so as to achieve the recommended 1:1 device to learner ratio.


Impact, Electronic Braille note-taking devices (EBN), Learners with Visual Impairment (LVIs), Braille, Special Schools, Assistive Technology (AT)


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