1Edison Bonartua Hutapea,2Yuli Marlina
1Universitas Paramadina
2Universitas Islam Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i11-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
The phenomenon of the Yamaha mio Soul fan community is one of the two-wheeled vehicle organizations that can continue to survive and continue to develop its positive organization so that it can be recognized by symbolic communication activities that run in an Independent Soul Fans community in Jakarta. In its establishing relationships between members with a phenomenological approach. The purpose of the study was to determine the communication of verbal and nonverbal symbols in the Soul Independent Fans community in Jakarta on building intimacy and fostering relationships among members. The research method used is a qualitative method. Basic Theory used Symbolic Interactionism. The results of this study are the use of verbal symbols using verbal symbols when conveying suggestions and conveying things to members through conversations or meetings, usually if the verbal is often conveyed by the general chairman and regional head in each meeting (kopdar), verbal symbols are often used in when they gather or open a forum to talk with fellow FSI members. It can be understoon about where to know and get communication codes and symbols, all informants gave uniform comments, knew the codes and symbols from other communities on the road to the group when were driving, paying attention to the movement of the symbols shown to them. From this study it can be concluded that the use of communication symbols will be seen by the system around it, because the values or norms of society is a standard in the treatment of community members which serves to maintain the stability of the internal interactions of community members, symbols as signs that refer to certain objects outside the sign itself. . The relationship between a symbol as a signifier and something that is signified (signed by a sign) is conventional.
KEYWORDS:Symbolic Interaction, Self-Concept, Phenomenology
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