Preparation of Participatory Regional Legislation Programs, Fairly Inclusive Law Based on Good Regulatory Practices
1Fanny Khaqunnisa,2Darminto Hartono Paulus
1,2Master of Law, Universitas Diponegoro Jl. Imam Barjo N0. 1-3, Pleburan, Semarang, Cental Java, 50241

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The regional legislation program (prolegda) is a program of planning instruments for the formation of provincial or city/regency regulations that are planned in a planned, integrated, and systematic manner as well as a central point for regional management because they produce plans for legal products to develop the regions. The ideal prolegda preparation process must involve active public participation as a manifestation of the commitment to establish good governance. Unfortunately, regional regulations are often found that are not public capacity because the substance of the regulations prioritizes the interests of certain parties. Therefore, to develop a program that is fair to the public, public participation is obtained by using a model of the Parliamentary Support program and well Regulatory Practices (GRP). The basic concept of the Parliamentary Support Program is by mapping four participation models. The basis used in mapping the model is the choice of participation model according to the level of political development of a country. While GRP mapping a series of local regulations with the following lines: internal coordination of regulatory activities, regulatory impact assessment (RIA), and public consultation mechanisms to increase transparency.


Local Legislation Program, Good regulatory practices, public participation



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