Street Children's Self-Concept (Study of Symbolic Interaction in the Area under the Grogol Bridge, Kedoya Metro TV and Demolition)
1Edison Hutapea, 2Sri Desti Purwatiningsih
1Universitas Paramadina, Jalan Gatot Subroto No.Kav. 97, Mampang Prapatan
2Universitas Nasional, Jalan Sawo Manila No 61 Pasar Minggu

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This research was conducted to find out whether tutoring followed by street children can form a positive self-concept, full of confidence, courtesy, and friendly, not harming themselves and the surrounding environment, so that the views of family, friends, neighbors, and the community can accept the self-concept. The street children. This study uses the phenomenological tradition, and the theory used in this research is the theory of symbolic interaction, where this theory looks at the social reality created by humans themselves through the interaction of meanings conveyed symbolically. This type of qualitative research uses direct observation and data collection techniques through in-depth interviews. The data validity technique used is data triangulation. The results of this study show that the self-concept of street children before and after receiving tutoring looks different from the pattern of thinking, character, insight, self-concept and how to interact with other people.


Self Concept, Street Children, Mindset, Symbolic Interaction.


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