1Mohamad Sadli ,2Syamsul Huda
1,2Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i11-43Google Scholar Download Pdf
The regional public hospital (RSUD) of Arjawinangun's service performance has yet to be fully optimal. One indication is from the Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) is still around 55% in 2019. This condition must reach the ideal BOR range from 60-85%. This 30% BOR is certainly a problem for the performance of the regional public hospital, especially when it is associated with patient or customer satisfaction, especially in 2020 the BOR has dropped to 50%. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the status and length of membership with patient satisfaction at the Outpatient Installation of the RSUD of Arjawinangun, Cirebon Regency, West Java, Indonesia, in 2021. The associative quantitative method was employed in this study. The population in this study were all BPJS participants who visited the RSUD of Arjawinangun, which recorded until May 2021 as many as 43,998 people with a sample of 110 respondents. The results showed that the number of non-PBI respondents was more than PBI, with as many as 76 people (69.1%). The analysis results show that the average length of patient membership in the RSUD of Arjawinangun is about 27 months. Respondents with the lowest length of membership were two months, and the highest length of membership was 38 months with a median of 36 months. The results of the analysis related to patient satisfaction 55.5% stated they were not satisfied. There is no relationship between membership status and patient satisfaction with services; however, there is a tendency for a negative relationship. There was no relationship between the length of membership and patient satisfaction with services; however, there was a tendency for a positive relationship. Based on this, the suggestion for hospitals is to maintain patient satisfaction with services, where the flow of the patient registration system needs to be revised again, so there are no crowds at the registration counter, especially in this pandemic situation. The system must consider the distance between the registrants, the provision of hand-washing facilities, and the supply of masks. In addition, the facilities and infrastructure in the registration area should have been transformed into a healthy and well-organized area.
KEYWORDS:BPJS, Status of Membership, Length of Membership, Patient Satisfaction
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