1Luh Putu Puji Trisnawati,2Lenny Christina Nawangsari,3Sigmin Johannes Lo,4Veithzal Rifai Zainal,5Erna Sofriana Irmaningsih
1,2,3,4,5Student of Doctoral Program Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i11-48Google Scholar Download Pdf
Environmental accounting practices in the company, one of which is implemented in sustainability accounting reporting. The issue of sustainable accounting is an absolute material to be used as a basis for decision making in the business world, to participate in preserving nature. To support this reporting, accounting has important reporting, because it requires hard work and the role of the company and the accounting firm to include an assessment of environmental saving elements in their work for the sustainability of their profession. Environmental accounting is a combination of all environmental costs into the company's financial statements and the importance of implementing sustainable development because it must be committed to carrying out its social and environmental responsibilities. It is interesting to discuss the relationship between environmental accounting and company performance. A total of 15 peer-reviewed articles have been reviewed and analysed, resulting in findings in the literature of previous articles. The findings of this review are that the application of green accounting affects the increase in profits. Other advantages of reducing insurance costs and capital costs can reduce total production costs, potentially increasing profits. This makes investors focus on the company's financial performance in considering investment decisions and corporate social activities. So many investors are interested in investing their capital to increase the company's profitability. High profitability reflects the company's ability to earn high profits for shareholders. The greater the profit earned, the greater its ability to pay its dividends, which has an impact on the value of the company
KEYWORDS: Environmental Accounting, Financial Performance, Firm Value
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