Factors Cause the Children Drop Out of School in Tanailandu Village, Mawasangka Sub-District, Buton Tengah Regency, the Province of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
1Arfa,2La Taena,3Bahtiar,4I Ketut Suardika,5Abdulah Igo,6La Aso
1Student of the Cultural Studies Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Halu Oleo University, Kerndari
2,5Lecturer in the Department of Cooperative Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Halu Oleo University, Kerndari
3Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kerndari
4 Lecturer in the Department of Cooperative Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Halu Oleo University, Kerndari
6Lecturer in Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Halu Oleo University, Kerndari

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This research aims to describe and analyze the factors cause children to drop out of school in Tanailandu Village, Mawasangka Sub-District, Buton Tengah Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The method used in this research is a qualitative case study with an ethnographic approach. The results of the study showed that the factors cause the children drop out of school in Tanailandu Village, Mawasangka Sub-District, Buton Tengah Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province consist of five factors, they are: (1) The weakness of family's economy for dropping out of school, (2) The lack of parental attention to children's education, (3) The lack of children's interest in in education, (4) The children miss-selecting in choosing friends, and (5) The children are involved in earning a living.

KEYWORDS: Children, drop out of school, Tanailandu village


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