1Maria Drossinou Korea,2Panagiotis Alexopoulos
1,2Department of Philology, University of Peloponnese, Kalamata, Greece
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i11-55Google Scholar Download Pdf
The present paper, through a case study of a student with autism, refers to the diversity in language and social skills and the communication difficulties across the lifespan.It aims to support the social skills based on the pedagogical principles of teamwork and student-centeredness according to the Framework for Analytical Special Education Program (FASEP) in secondary inclusive education. The main hypothesis examines the meaning of teaching in autism for philologists (Greek language teachers) who use -a] differentiations with targeted individual-structured "social stories" and -b] interventions in the emotional organization by verbalizing feelings with digital cognitive and language machines in a student with autism. The methodology of the inclusion intervention programs use the pedagogical tool TISIPfSEN (Targeted, Individually Structured, and Inclusive Intervention Programs for Students with Special Educational Needs). Accompanied by a questionnaire which given to (N = 104) philologists. The individually targeted social skills instructional interventions with digital cognitive and communication machines were implemented with a rubber band folder and a digital folder for a student with autism. With structured, graded-difficulty learning readiness exercises, the understanding of the meaning of language rules of cooperation with others was supported. Philologists have understood that autism difficulties following through the semantic aspect of language affect the individual’s social skills in abstract thinking and the multiple meanings of social stories' words. Finally, they confirmed the usefulness of TISIPfSEN for students with autism by teaching language interventions in social skills and the multimedia approach with a conventional and digital dossier.
KEYWORDS: TISIPfSEN, Language, Digital Cognitive Machine, Social Stories, Autism
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1) Special education and training (SET).
2) Targeted, Individually Structured, and Inclusive Intervention Programs for Students with Special Educational Needs (TISIPfSEN).
3) Framework of Analytical Special Education Program (FASEP).
4) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
5) Visual Meaning Facilitators (VMFs).