1Ayu Aprianti, 2Ahmad Suriansyah, 3Agus Rifani Syaifuddin
1,2,3Master of Education Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-04Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to analyze the direct and indirect correlation between environment-based curriculum, teacher pedagogical competence and learning quality through literacy learning. This research used a correlational study with a quantitative approach. Two hundred and eighteen junior high school teachers at adiwiyata schools were involved as population of this study. The researchers used proportional random technique and obtained as many as 141 people. The data collection was carried out using instruments consisting of an environment-based curriculum (17 items), teacher pedagogic competence (21 items), literacy learning (13 items) and learning quality (29 items). The validity and reliability tests were performed using the Alpha Cronbach. Then, the data of this study was analyzed using descriptive statistics with path analysis to see direct and indirect correlations between variables, by first carrying out the normality test, homoscedasticity test, multicollinearity test and correlation test. The results of the study show that there is a correlation between: (1) environment-based curriculum and learning quality, (2) teacher pedagogic competence and learning quality, (3) literacy learning and learning quality, (4) environment-based curriculum and literacy learning, (5) competency teacher pedagogy with literacy learning, (6) the correlation between environmentbased curriculum and learning quality through literacy learning, (7) the correlation between teacher pedagogic competence and learning quality through literacy learning
KEYWORDS:Environment-based curriculum, pedagogic competence, literacy learning, learning quality
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