1Joko Susilo,2Muthoifin
1,2Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-93Google Scholar Download Pdf
Every Islamic educational institution must strive to provide adequate facilities and infrastructure to support the learning system, especially Arabic. Good results in Arabic education require special facilities and places to study, deepen, and practice Arabic. The place is a language science laboratory. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the role of the language laboratory, to determine the magnitude of Arabic learning achievement, and to determine the magnitude of the correlation between language and Arabic achievement for fifth-grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Ketelan Surakarta. The method in this research is quantitative with the type of associative research. The sample is class VD students who collect 21 students. The conclusion of this study shows that the correlation between the language laboratory and Arabic learning achievement of the fifth-grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Ketelan Surakarta is negative and the correlation coefficient is –0.332. The results of this study support the research of Ferrite Kiliçkaya (2007).
KEYWORDS:student achievement, the role of the language laboratory, and learning achievement.
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