Dr. Mahinnora N. Mirkhamidova
Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Department of International Law and Human Rights of UNESCO, University of World Economy and Diplomacy
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This article focuses on the realization of bilateral international agreements signed by the Republic of Uzbekistan with the Arab states in the Persian Gulf region (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Sultanate of Oman, Kuwait and Qatar). At the same time, the agreements concluded between these countries since the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been researched. The article notes that the investments made by the Arab Development Funds are mainly directed to improving infrastructure, construction and development of the economy sectors, and have shown effective results. In the concluding part of the article, the author makes proposals to strengthen the effectiveness of international agreements between Uzbekistan and the Gulf Arab states.
KEYWORDS:bilateral agreements, implementation of national legislation, efficiency mechanism, Arab development funds, Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.
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