Dr. Deepak Kem
Associate Professor, Dr KRN Centre for Dalit and Minorities Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025
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The learning process is never-ending. It is a continuous process through every phase and stage of human life. Man always seeks new lessons and ideas and adapt to new surroundings and changes. In this process, several platforms and tools make the learning effective. These tools also provide proper translation services from the official language into any other language, enabling a learning experience for every learner individually stipulating unique paths for learning, including teaching the previous experience, skills, and knowledge. Numerous adaptive tools assist learners in experiencing the learning process with interest, like the presentation of the required material, which helps them grasp the subject quickly. This review paper discusses personalised and adaptive learning platforms, approaches, and solutions implemented in the prevailing eLearning systems. It discusses personalisation with basic concepts, describing competency-based learning, customised web service solutions, and presentation approaches. A design and development method of adaptive learning is presented with personalised access provision learning various objects provided with models and stored for every learner for repeated learning. LMS- learning management system model is also discussed tailored to the individual needs and in response to search queries. Personalised learning is submitted for assessment where applications implement the personalisation systems.
KEYWORDS:Online learning, Digital learning, Smart learning, Personalized Learning, Customized learning, Adaptive Learning, Learning Grid, Web Services.
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