1Pranjali Pote, 2Sourabh Chavan, 3Dr. Sudhakar Gaokar, 4Dr. Dur Khan
1,2,3,4Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai
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Many methods and tools are available in the literature that enhance and intensify the influence of leaders on their followers. Storytelling is one of the most effective tool. When used correctly, it helps the leader explain his ideas to his constituents, share knowledge with them, build a shared vision, and resolve conflicts peacefully. Storytelling is the tool that addresses people's emotions, not their rational minds. It has the potential to overcome the barriers people build to protect themselves from the outside world and new ideas. This article provides the theoretical background for future research on leadership and storytelling. He first deals with the issue of leadership, then gives an overview of what history and storytelling are and finally he conducts theoretical research into the link between leadership and storytelling. For primary research, questionnaire was circulated to the employees of various industries. The responses are analyzed and hypothesis testing is performed. Descriptive statistics, correlations and regression analysis techniques used to analyze data. We conclude saying that Storytelling model can be used to development of leadership in employees
KEYWORDSLeadership, Training, Storytelling, Storytelling styles
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