The Development of a Virtual Laboratory as a Virus Learning Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Biology Subjects
1Yuli Wahyuni, 2Rufi’i, 3Yoso Wiyarno
1,2,3Education Technology, Postgraduate, University PGRI Adi Buana of Surabaya
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i2-27

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One of the materials in biology is about viruses, which are known as "abstracts" because students cannot observe them easily. As a result, it is difficult for students to comprehend. When students were conducting practicums in the laboratory, the researcher also found that the results of the test were much lower than the minimum standard score of 75/100. Therefore, the purpose of this development research is to develop a virtual media laboratory for viral material as a learning medium that facilitates teachers and students in the learning process, which is expected to improve student learning outcomes. This research uses an R & D approach with 4D models. It consists of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating procedures. This study was done at SMA Singapore National Academy Sidoarjo with grade 10 students.

The Virtual Laboratory consists of the design of learning media that will be developed in the form of story boards on viral materials developed with Adobe Flash CS6 software. According to material, design, and media experts' assessments, the media got a score of 100%, 84.28%, and 87.1%. It means that this virtual laboratory innovation can be excellent for use in a real-life learning activity. It means that this virtual laboratory innovation can be excellent for use in a real-life learning activity. The results of the field trial assessment were 98.33%, which is also classified as very feasible. It means that the students gain a better learning experience overall. In fact, there was an increase in students' learning outcomes too, which was known by comparing the average pretest and posttest results of 46 and 85. The average improvement of student learning outcomes is 2.6 with high media effectiveness. From this research, researchers conclude that a virtual laboratory as a virus learning media can improve the learning outcomes of grade 10 students at SMA Singapore National Academy in biology subjects.


Virtual Laboratory, Virus Material, Learning Outcomes


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