1Karnadi, 2Durotul Yatimah, 3Eliana Sari
1,2Community Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program - State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
3Education Management Study Program, Postgraduate Program - State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
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The main quality of a nation is mainly determined by the quality of its education. The national education system according to Law No. 20 of 2003 includes formal education, non-formal education and informal education. Equality education is a non-formal education unit with the same graduate competency standards as formal schools. During the COVID-19 pandemic, all learning pathways for education are carried out online. The problem is that not all educators have optimal readiness to carry out online learning, both in methods and media assistance, so every educator is required to be able to find the right form of online learning to implement the formal curriculum and at the same time a hidden curriculum to develop the knowledge, skills and mental character of the participants educate.
This research was conducted on Equality Education at PKBM Al Ishlah, Central Jakarta with descriptive methods and qualitative approaches. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was carried out on the implementation of the hidden curriculum at the preliminary stage, core activities, and closing activities of online learning. Based on the results of the study, character building in the preliminary activities of educators at PKBM Al Ishlah Central Jakarta has instilled religious character values, discipline, politeness, social care, and participation. In the core activities, educators instill values of independence, cooperation, care for the environment, and self-confidence. At the end of the lesson, educators instill the character values of critical thinking, honesty, responsibility, and religion.
KEYWORDS:Covid-19, online learning, hidden curriculum, character
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