1Dr. Seema Bhakuni, 2Sunita Kala
1Associate professor, Doon Group of Institutions, Rishikesh.
2M.B.A. Doon University.
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The origin of yoga dates back to the Vedic era, when the Indian saints stressed the importance of meditation among their disciples to concentrate on studies. They started practising ‘yoga’ and it started to spread in other countries due its spiritual and physical importance. The ‘Rigveda’ though, stresses on the importance of yoga and despite the fact that it is valued by many people till now, it started gaining momentum after the declaration of the International Yoga Day on 21st June 2015. Considering its importance, first yoga university was opened in 2013 in Gujrat. Many schools introduced a yoga teacher and a period for yoga practice in the schools. The corporate or the service sector where the employees have to bear the long working hours without the opportunity to move in different directions, have no strict law related to practice of yoga. Generally, the employees either sit or work in the same posture with only a break for taking lunch. Yoga is widely practiced on 21st June but there is no provision for its practice on the other days. If yoga is introduced in the workplace as a norm, it will help the employees in remaining fit; mentally and physically both, which will result in maximum productivity from their end and the same will ultimately affect the organisation positively. The need of the hour is to understand the importance of yoga in the workplace to maintain a healthy workforce to get the desired outcome.
KEYWORDS:yoga, physical, mental, momentum, employees, importance.
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