Ioanna Dimitrakaki
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The purpose of this project was to examine best practices for managing small wine firms, focusing in the case of Domaine Hatzimichalis. The analysis was based exclusivelyin the use of secondary information. Domaine Hatzimichalis is operating since 1973 and produces high quality wine. The firm is located in Atalanti Valley, a region which offers unique characteristics in terms of climate and microclimate for wine production. In this context, the paper firstly provides an analysis of the wine market of Greece, the role of wine tourism in development of wider area and then presents best practices for managing small wine firms, such as Domaine Hatzimichalis, providing recommendations for improving its overall performance, focusing in four domains: 1) local community involvement, 2) strategic partnerships, 3) environmental responsibility and 4) efficient branding. The results of the study are attempted to assist wine producers and local actors to apply strategies that will enhance the financial viability of small wine firms in an era of constant financial turmoil.
KEYWORDS:Wine firms, Wine tourism, Domaine Hatzimichalis, Better practices, Varieties branding.
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