May 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
Gender Identity Construction in TV Adverts: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis
1Md. Mahfuj Hassan Bhuiyan, 2Ramisa Rahman
1Lecturer, Department of English Uttara University, Uttara Sector -04, Road-16 Dhaka, Bangladesh
2Teacher & English Subject In-charge of DPS STS School. Uttara Sector -06, Road- 13 Dhaka, Bangladesh

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This paper aims to understand and analyze the politics of gender identity construction in TV adverts; i.e. how different approaches are being used in order to portray and construct gender role, which eventually shape gender identity. Incorporating Stuart Hall’s representation theory, Simon de Beauvoir’s Second Sex, and different CDA tools -- this paper evaluates and dissects different TV ads, telecasted in Bangladeshi main stream media, to foreground how these TV ads shape as well as construct gender identity, and questions the “realistic representation” of man and woman in the TV adverts. Furthermore, it also re-excavates the manifestation of the repetitive representation of the gender role, and, in consequence of the depiction, how the viewers construct, deconstruct and reconstruct their gender identities based on the TV advertisements without even realizing it.


Gender Identity, Gender Role, Othering, Implicatures, Fallacy, Representation.


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022

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