VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
1Muhsinah Annisa, 2Syihabuddin, 3Aceng Kosasih ,4 Najiha Shofina
1PGSD Study Program, Lambung Mangkurat University, General Education and Character and Character Education Study Program, Indonesian Education University
2,3General Education and Character and Character Education Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
4PGSD Study Program , Lambung Mangkurat University
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Character in education has become the focus of discussion at school and home, even in social settings. Character is the key to individual goals. Therefore, when children face competition with colleagues from various countries around the world, the quality of human resources in the future will undoubtedly require good character s. This research was conducted to determine the need for wasaka character assessment instruments (religious, hard work) during learning in elementary schools. Descriptive qualitative research was used as a method in this research. Interviews, observations, and document analysis were used to collect data. The purpose of the study was to analyze the need to develop a character assessment instrument for elementary school students. The subject of this research is the classroom teacher. Research data were collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires/questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is triangulation. The results showed that the analysis of the need for wasaka character assessment instruments (religious, hard work) in learning in elementary schools found findings on the development of assessment instruments that were expected to make it easier for users to assess wasaka character (religious, hard work) in learning in elementary schools needed. The design of the development of the Wasaka character assessment instrument is sought to improve students' self-development and can measure the Wasaka character of the students.
KEYWORDS:Instrument, Rating, Character, WASAKA, Elementary School
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