VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
MSc. Mateus Habili
Tirana Busines University College, Department of Marketing and Management, Tirana, Albania
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Poverty is a worldwide social problem. Other social consequences come from poverty. Its importance is quite great, where the state as the main actor and other actors such as business and NGOs with all their contribution have not managed to eradicate it. This phenomenon. The purpose of this study conducted on May 25, 2020 by Msc.Mateus Habili with a sample of 935 respondents (representative for all of Albania) is to create an overview if poverty is the most urgent issue in Albania that needs to be corrected. The collected data showed that the citizens think that the public opinion is unified in the opinion that poverty is the most urgent social problem in Albania 2020, to this problem should be oriented immediately all the contribution of the state, business, NGOs. Citizens think that the role of the state in correcting this problem has been low, this is an indication for both business and NGOs that their contribution to have more Another impact of the study is that citizens do not trust the assistance provided voluntarily by businesses, this shows that there is a problem in the image of businesses in terms of assistance provided voluntarily. Citizens think that business provides more many advantages of the product and its safety, this shows that citizens still do not have a guarantee on the products they receive.
KEYWORDS:poverty, social problems, the role of government, solidarity etc.
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