May 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
Common Errors in Vietnamese – English Translation of English Majored Juniors at Tay Do University, In Viet Nam
1Nga H.T. NGUYEN, 2Nhung T.M. NGUYEN, 3Anh, L.V. TRAN
1,2,3Tay Do University, Vietnam

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Translation plays a vital role in transferring messages across languages. However, it is not easy for students to master. In the process of translation, students could encounter common errors. When translating a sentence, it is a far more problematic one for English majored students regardless of their learning years. For this reason, the research was carried out to point out potential traps that English majored juniors could get when translating a sentence from Vietnamese into English. The participants were 100 juniors from Bachelor of English course 13 (2018 – 2022) at Tay Do University. Questionnaires and interview were delivered to collect data and get more information. The collected data from the instruments mentioned above were all analyzed afterwards. The findings revealed that juniors could meet errors in vocabulary, grammatical structure and culture items.


translation, English majored juniors, university.


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022

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