VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
Tay Do University, Vietnam
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The study aimed to find out the effectiveness of the existing Bachelor of Arts Major in English of the Higher Education Institutions in terms of the vision, mission, goals and objectives, personnel, facilities, training plan, support services to the students, and records and academic standards vis-à-vis the standards set by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) in the Mekong Delta, in Vietnam. Then the recommendations posited based on the results will be used as inputs for the planning and development to comply with the standards.
To get the effective and reliable results, quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The instrument was the questionnaires. The evaluation was based on the criteria of extent of compliance with the MOET standards. The study covered a total of four hundred thirty-two (432) respondents which composed of rectors, deans, teachers of English, and students from the three institutions: DongThap University, TayDo University and TraVinh University.
The results of the study showed that the institutions were of great extent, however, the descriptive rating of great extent boarders the next lower rating of moderate extent by a point compared with the standards of Vietnamese MOET.
KEYWORDS:Bachelor of Arts, English, University
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The Vietnamese References
1) MOET (2007). Document No.43/QĐ-BGDĐT. Regulation of university and college training under credit system. Ministry of Education and Training
2) TEQA (2013). Document No.527/KTKĐCLGD. Guide for using university quality evaluation criteria. Department of testing and education quality assurance