May 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
Workplace Bullying of K-12 Educators: Mental Health Services and Policy Considerations
1Ronda H. Gregg, Ed D, 2Cheryl L. Burleigh, Ed D
1Associate Faculty, College of Doctoral Studies, University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ USA
2Associate Faculty, Fellow in Residence, College of Doctoral Studies, University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ USA

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Bullying behaviors in the workplace are marked by repeated events of intimidation that create a pattern of humiliation and fear in the victim. School staff in K-12 schools are not immune to bullying behavior by other adults in the organization. Educators experience personal and professional repercussions when confronted with bullying experiences by other educators or educational administrators. This qualitative study demonstrates the breadth of the issue and emphasizes the roles of a school psychologist, school social worker, and human resource personnel in the wake of the potential ethical challenges that present when a staff member reports they are being bullied. Additionally, other involvement remedies include responsible contributions toward incorporation of policies and mental health innovations that will address the adult population in a school or district.


Workplace bullying, teachers, school administration, mental health, policy


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022

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