VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
Fadoua Laddouli
Laboratory: Langue et Société. University Ibn Tofail Kenitra
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The 2015-2030 strategic vision highlights the decisive role of language proficiency in the internal and external performance of the School. It advocates a new linguistic architecture based on a plurilingualism and the alternation of languages. It also considers the mastery of several languages a main lever of the quality of education. In this sense, English will be introduced in the first year of middle high school and in the fourth year of primary school by 2025, and if French is partially a language of instruction in high school in the short term and in middle school in the medium term, English can also become so in high school in the medium term (Vision p.15). The procedures for implementing this plurilingual offer which will have to solve the problem of transition from one language of instruction to another between secondary and higher education and which will facilitate the professional integration of the target population, but it remains unclear. Our reflection questions the modalities of managing this plurilingual offer stipulated by the vision and offers elements of answers through a field survey conducted on high school students. Our contribution is therefore part of contextualized research that are currently proving their efficiency since they are built from and for the learning environment. Indeed, understanding our context and the expectations of its components is necessary in order to know how to manage efficiently this plurilingualism and correct any dysfunctions. First, we will shed light on the roles attributed to English in Moroccan official texts, then we will develop the context of our investigation and its results which seem to highlight certain dysfunctions in the current management.
KEYWORDS:Plurilingual offer, Managing, Students’ view, English, Morocco
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Official documents
1) A Strategic Vision of Reform 2015-2030 (Abstract). Retrieved on November 10th, 2019 from
2) Frame Law 51 17. Articles 2 and 31 published in the Bulletin Officiel N° 6805 on August 19th, 2019.
3) La Charte Nationale (1999-2000). Retrieved on October 28th, 2019 from
4) Vision stratégique de la réforme 2015-2030. Retrieved on November 22nd, 2019 from https://www.csefrs.ma/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Vision_VF_Fr.pdf