VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
1Mohamed Abdelazim Abo El-Naga, 2Marwa Tarek Abd El Azeem,
3Rana Wagdi Abdel-moneam
1Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
2,3Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
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Purpose –
This paper aims to investigate advertising effectiveness in various social media platforms in the fashion industry in Egypt. The present study uses a proposed framework to explore online advertising in Egypt. From a theoretical point of view, this study examines the relationship among three groups of factors including attitude towards online ad formats, ad intrusiveness, product involvement and social media ad effectiveness among Egyptian consumers.
Design/methodology –
The study examines advertising effectiveness in social media in terms of ad attitude and loyalty intentions. An online survey was conducted with 1300 social media users.
Findings –
The results indicate that the attitude towards static ads has a positive significant impact on social media ad effectiveness which is similar to the positive impact of using rich media ads (video/audio) on ad effectiveness. Furthermore, it is observed that video ads score higher as being more pleasant while static ads score higher for being more believable and convincing as perceived by Egyptians. Moreover, ad intrusiveness is found to have a significant negative effect on ad effectiveness. In the same context, this study shows a significant moderation relationship between Product involvement, ad intrusiveness and social media ad effectiveness.
Ad effectiveness, Attitude toward the ad, Intrusiveness, Loyalty intentions, social media platforms, product involvement, ad formats.
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