June 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
Learning Strategies to Develop Interaction Capabilities Between Lecturers And Students In The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic
1Tantra Lingga Weinaedy Ngoei,2Novita Loma Sahertian,3David Ming
1,3Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Abdi Gusti, Nganjuk, Indonesia
2Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Ambon (IAKN)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i6-16

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The teaching and learning process, which should take place in a classroom or school setting, must be replaced by learning at home in the period of the covid 19 epidemic. The following issues were addressed in this paper: What does it mean to learn "holistically" online? What are the various sorts of educational policy models? When students learn online, how does the reduced interaction between lecturers and students affect them? In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, how about 'holistic' online learning: studying techniques to strengthen interaction abilities among lecturers and students? (1) Holism refers to a person's strategy for reaching a goal. (2) Expository learning, inquiry learning, problem-based learning, thinking ability development, cooperative learning, situational learning, and emotional learning are examples of learning methodologies. (3) The impact of less engagement between lecturers and students during online learning is (a) a lack of interaction between students and their peers, as well as with educators. (b) There is a proclivity to overlook academic or social factors. (c) The role of educators has evolved, from traditional approaches to computer-assisted learning methodologies. (4) Students are uninterested in learning. (d) Not all online learning participants have access to the internet. (e) Educators' lack of understanding of how to use internet resources. (a) Holistic Online Learning Involving Parents (a) Holistic Online Learning Involving Parents (b) Holistic Online Learning Involving Parents (c) Holistic Online Learning Involving Parents (d) (a) Holistic Online Learning Involving Learners and the School


online learning; learning; strategies; interaction


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022

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