VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Indah Sulisdiani, 2Rasidar,
3Hasan Almutahar,4Hardilina, 5Syarif Usmulyadi,
6Fera Eliati, 7Safira Christiani
1,2,3,4,5,6,7Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak Indonesia
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Drug smuggling is a case that has often occurred in various countries, especially in the border areas of Indonesia and Malaysia. Drug smuggling can be categorized as a transnational crime. Entikong, one of the border areas between Indonesia and Malaysia, has experienced this case, and every year there is an increase in the number of points. Transboundary crime has become a form of corruption that challenges handling and making existing policies. In an era that is developing rapidly, the methods used in committing crimes are also increasingly diverse. Through this article, The author aims to further examine the policies implemented by the Indonesian and Malaysian governments in dealing with drug smuggling cases in the Entikong area by looking at the development of relations between the two countries in the past. In its framework, this paper uses the theory of transnational crime and the concept of bilateral relations. This research was conducted using an explanatory method with a qualitative approach in which the data received were based on data described in writing. The data is collected through a literature study. Some of the data will come from journals, articles, and other credible sources to see the security factor in the Entikong border area, making drug smuggling cases still occur today. This research was conducted using an explanatory method with a qualitative approach in which the data received were based on data described in writing. The data is collected through a literature study. Some of the data will come from journals, articles, and other credible sources to see the security factor in the Entikong border area, making drug smuggling cases still occur today. This research was conducted using an explanatory method with a qualitative approach in which the data received were based on data described in writing. The data is collected through a literature study. Some of the data will come from journals, articles, and other credible sources to see the security factor in the Entikong border area, making drug smuggling cases still occur today.
KEYWORDS:Drug smuggling, Entikong, policy implementation, Indonesia-Malaysia relations
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