June 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
The Influence of Lecture and Discussion Methods on Adolescent's Religious Knowledge in the Social Process In Makassar City
1Usman Jasad,2Syamsuddin AB
1Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar
2Alauddin Makassar State Islamic University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i6-23

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Research on the influence of the lecture and discussion methods on youth in the da'wah process using experiments through lectures and discussions, the sample used was 60 teenagers with analysis of grouping test items, pretest, treatment, posttest and Chi Square Test.

Based on the research results, namely; The lecture method has an effect on increasing the religious knowledge of teenagers in the Fastabiqul Khaerat Study Group, the dissection method has an effect on increasing the religious knowledge of the teenagers in the Fastabiqul Khaerat Study Group. Although the lectgture method and the discussion method have an influence on increasing the religious knowledge of teenagers in the da'wah process, there are differences in influence between the two methods. The results of the descriptive-inferential statistical test showed that the discussion method was more effective than the lecture method in increasing the religious knowledge of teenagers who took part in da'wah at the Fastabiqul Khaerat Study Group. This is evidenced by the existence of a significant difference between the average posttest score for adolescents who follow the da'wah using the lecture method and the posttest average score for adolescents who follow the da'wah using the discussion method. In this case, the posttest mean of the discussion group was convincingly higher than that of the lecture group.


Methods, Lectures, Discussions, Social Da'wah, Youth


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022

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