VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Muhammad Sukma Indrawan, 2Ahmad Suriansyah, 3Eko Suhartono
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
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After students have completed the learning process, several aspects such as cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor characteristics are measured using test instruments or related instruments to determine learning accomplishment in the field of education. The goal of this study was to see how emotional intelligence, learning environments, and stress levels affected student success. The population of this study was 76 students of class X-XII Telecommunication Access Network Engineering Department in Banjarbaru in 2021-2022 academic year. Data collection was carried out using instruments consisting of emotional intelligence (30 items), learning facilities (10 items), academic stress level (60 items), and learning achievement (average grade point). The method in this study uses a descriptive correlational method using a quantitative approach. Analysis of the data used was path analysis. Based on the results obtained, it is stated that (1) there is a direct insignificant effect of students' emotional intelligence on student learning achievement, (2) there is a direct insignificant effect of academic stress levels on student achievement, (3) there is a significant direct influence on facilities. student learning on student achievement, (4) there is a direct insignificant effect of emotional intelligence on the level of academic stress, (5) there is a direct influence that is not significant the influence of learning facilities on the level of academic stress. (6) there is an indirect influence that is not significant the influence of emotional intelligence through the level of academic stress on student learning achievement, (7) there is an indirect and insignificant effect of learning facilities through the level of academic stress on student achievement.
KEYWORDS:Emotional intelligence, learning facilities, academic stress level, learning achievemen
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