VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Suratman, 2Wahyu, 3Suhaimi
1,2,3Master of Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, Indonesia
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Teachers' performance is a depiction of them carrying out learning activities. Since performance difficulties are linked to the productivity of institutions and organizations, they are extremely essential. Spiritual intelligence, motivation, and discipline all have a role in performance. This study aims to describe the direct and indirect relationship between: spiritual intelligence with teacher performance, work motivation with teacher performance, work discipline with teacher performance, spiritual intelligence with work discipline, work motivation with work discipline, spiritual intelligence with teacher performance through work discipline, work motivation with teacher performance through work discipline. The participants in this study were 199 teachers. The research sample consisted of 113 persons who were picked using Cronbach's Alpha to determine proportionate random sampling. Data was gathered using measures that assessed for validity and reliability and included spiritual intelligence (37 questions), job motivation (51 items), work discipline (42 items), and instructor performance (48 items). Path analysis was used to examine the research data. Spiritual intelligence has a direct relationship with teacher performance, work motivation has a direct relationship with teacher performance, work discipline has a direct relationship with teacher performance, spiritual intelligence has a direct relationship with work discipline, work motivation has a direct relationship with work discipline, intelligence spirituality has an indirect relationship with teacher performance through work, and spiritual intelligence has a direct relationship with work discipline.
KEYWORDS:spiritual intelligence, work motivation, work discipline, teacher performance
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