VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Wina Novita, 2 Sulaiman, 3Muhyani Rizalie
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
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Teacher professionalism is an important aspect because it determines the quality of the teaching and learning process. However, the fact is that there are still many teachers who are considered to have professionalism that does not meet expectations. From the input-process-output perspective, factors that influence professionalism include transformational leadership, school climate, work motivation, and teacher professionalism. This study aims to determine and analyze the relationship between principals' transformational leadership, school climate, work motivation, and teacher professionalism, either directly or indirectly. This research is descriptive correlational research. The study population was 116 people, with a sample of 90 people who were selected using a proportionate random sampling technique. Data was collected using instruments consisting of transformational leadership (23 items), school climate (50 items), work motivation (44 items), and teacher professionalism (45 items) which had been tested for validity and reliability. The research data were analyzed descriptively and path analysis. The study results found that the principal's transformational leadership has a relationship with teacher professionalism, and the school climate has a relationship with teacher professionalism. The study results also showed the principal's transformational leadership has a relationship with work motivation, school climate has a relationship with work motivation, and work motivation has a relationship with teacher professionalism. Moreover, the work motivation of the teacher is the intermediary of the principal's transformational leadership relationship with teacher professionalism and the school climate relationship with work motivation.
KEYWORDS:Transformational leadership, school climate, work motivation, professionalism.
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