VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
Amin Basir
Lecturer, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
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The discussion on predicative possession is actually a fairly broad discussion. The aspect studied in this paper is looking at the construction of ownership verbs in the English possession predicate. Viewed from the point of view of the study this paper is grouped into language studies in terms of syntax. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The theory in this paper refers to the theory of Quirk (1973), Halliday (1985), Cook (1989), and Jackendoff (1977). The data used in this paper are taken from The British National Corpus (http://www.notcorp.ox.ac.uk/). The data collected contains sentences with the predicate of ownership in English with the verb “have”, “own”, “possess”, and “belong to”. From the results of research on the predicative possession in English, it can be concluded as follows. Lingual elements that can fill the possession predicate are a) The "have" possession predicate, which consists of several patterns as follows: active pattern (S+V+O), (S+V+O+A), (S+V+O+OC), and (S+V+O+OC+A); b) The "own" possession predicate consists on the following patterns: active sentence patterns (S+V+O), (S+V+O+A), (S+V+O+OC), and (S+V+O+OC+A) and passive sentence patterns with patterns (S+V+O), (S+V+O+A), (S+V+O+OC) and (S+V+O+OC+A) c) The "possess" possession predicate consists on several patterns as follows: active pattern (S+V+O), (S+V+O+A), (S+V+O+OC) dan (S+ V+O+OC+A); d). The "belong to" possession predicate consists of the following patterns: Active sentences (S+V+O), (S+V+O+A), (S+V+O+OC), and (S+V+O+OC +A).
KEYWORDS:English, predicate, possession, possessing, possessor, syntactic
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