June 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
Analysis of Learning Media Needs for 2d Animation Video on Cube and Block Material in Grade V Elementary School
1Dewi Sri Rizki Wulandari, 2Alben Ambarita, 3Tina Yuniarti
1,2,3Lampung State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i6-78

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The research and development of 2D animation video media for cube and block material is motivated by the problems that exist in SD Negeri 3 Kalianda in class V, namely the lack of use of mathematics learning media and student learning difficulties and the lack of student motivation in studying cube and block material, so it is necessary to develop media 2D animation as attractive as possible so that it can increase student learning motivation. This study uses a needs analysis method which consists of seven stages. The subject of the study was a mathematics teacher and the data was carried out using observation, documentation and interviews. The student's response to the application of the 2D animation learning media for cubes and blocks in mathematics is very good. The conclusion obtained from this research is the use and utilization of learning media such as 2D animated videos can be applied by teachers so as to create an effective teaching and learning process. It can also be concluded that the 2D animation learning media for cube and block material in class V mathematics subjects is said to be successful or very positive in supporting the learning process by giving very good responses. With the use and development of 2D animation learning media is expected to have a positive impact on students. And with the existence of 2D animation learning media, this is very much needed in schools because it can be a medium that can assist teachers in delivering learning materials.


Development, Learning Media. Animated Video Media, Cubes and Blocks


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022

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