VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Pamungkas Yulian Effendi,2Siswandar,3Fadillah Umar
1,2,3Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
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This study aims to determine the analysis of the most dominant physical condition factors (Arm Muscle Power, Grip Strength, and Hand Eye Coordination) to determine indoor push hockey shooting ability. The research was carried out in March 2022 at Gor Wergu Kudus Regency, Prima Mijen Futsal Field, and Kartika Kartika Futsal Stadium The research was carried out in March 2022. The population in this study were all male Hockey athletes in Central Java in each district/city that active as many as 70 people. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative research method with data analysis technique using exploratory factor analysis design. Based on the results of the study showed that arm muscle power can determine the shooting ability of indoor push hockey. Based on the results of factor analysis, the correlation value of the variables in factor 1 was 0.830 and factor 2 was 0.130, because the correlation value of factor 1 > factor 2, the arm muscle power variable was included in the factor group 1. Factor 1 was the dominant factor. Then eye-hand coordination can determine indoor push hockey shooting ability. Based on the results of factor analysis, the correlation value of the variables in factor 1 is -0.142 and factor 2 is 0.834, because the correlation value of factor 1 < factor 2, the variable belongs to the group of factor 2. Factor 2 is a supporting factor. So it can be concluded that the physical condition factor with the arm muscle power variable is the most dominant factor in the shooting push ability with a correlation number of 0.830, so the greater the arm muscle power is very important for hockey players to have, so that the shot is not easily blocked by the goalkeeper.
KEYWORDS:Physical Condition, Dominant, Shooting Push, Indoor Hockey
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