July 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
Settlement of Traffic Violations Using Criminal Sanctions and Restorative Justice Approaches
1Reza Vahlefi, 2Beniharmony Harefa
1,2Faculty of Law, “Veteran” National Development University Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i7-15

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Solution case criminal with draft restorative justice is something method new in solution case crime in Indonesia. Whereas in law customs in Indonesia have use method the since first to be habit with complete something problem with Street discussion for consensus. With a habit that becomes living values in the Indonesian nation discussion for consensus made mark in Pancasila State ideology, the 4th precepts discussion for consensus Becomes principle restorative justice in approach justice in solution case law. On Judgment Purworejo District Court Number 96/ Pid . Sus /2018/ Pn. Pwr . The Panel of Judges applies draft restorative justice in the decision on the case then cross, thing this considered could enforce justice and restore the litigants in case criminal then cross. As for formula discussed problem in study this about what be obstacles in application restorative justice in the settlement process case then traffic that causes death and how application restorative justice in completion case criminal then traffic that causes Dead based on (Study Decision Number 96/ Pid.Sus /2018/ Pn.Pwr). Study this use method study law normative juridical or study law bibliography, the main data used are primary, secondary, and tertiary data. With approach study regulation legislation, cases, and approaches related conceptual with enforcement law and research role apparatus enforcer law to handling case then cross with approach restorative justice. So that expected solution case criminal with restorative justice could realize justice with more notice rights of victims, perpetrators and society.


Restorative Justice, Case Criminal, Traffic


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022

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