VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
1Ronald Riawan Manto,2Heru Sugiyono
1,2Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
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The problem of drug abuse is currently a frightening specter. Prevention of drug abuse is aimed at fortifying the community so that they are not involved in drug abuse. The target is people who have never been involved with narcotics abuse so as not to become abusers, and not become dealers. Rehabilitation of narcotics abusers and addicts with the aim of curing the ill condition of narcotics dependence on abusers and addicts to recover from drug dependence. The rights of citizens are human rights that are protected and guaranteed by the state, but in reality, in the process of imposing criminal charges, especially in cases of drug abuse, there have been disparities.
KEYWORDS:Disparity, Law Enforcement, Narcotics Rehabilitation
1) Anang Iskandar, “Narcotics Law Enforcement” (Jakarta:PT.Elex media Komputindo, 2019), p. 7.
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1) Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.
2) SEMA Number 4 Of 2010 concerning “Placement of Abuse, Victims of Abuse and Narcotics Addicts into Medical Rehabilitation and Social Rehabilitation Institutions”.
1) Website/Internet: Kompas.com “Iwa K was sentenced this Wednesday, here's the journey of themarijuanacase”
https://entertainment.kompas.com/read/2017/09/27/065542910/iwa-k-divonis-rabu-ini-berikut- travel- cannabis- case?page=all (accessed May 20, 2022