VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
Prof. Harish Kumar Thakur
Department of Political Science, H.P. University, Shimla, India-171005
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The Covid 19 pandemic that struck the world in the early 2020 has done immense harm to the life, liberty, and economies of the world. It placed the states under severe pressure to control the virus. The states responded differently to the pandemic which were in turn adversely affected by the factors like ineffective leadership, weak infrastructural services and resources and poor medical facilities. India and United States, the two largest democracies and federations of the world had different experiences in dealing with the virus. While the US having better health facilities invited the world attention due to failure in meeting the hazard the Indian state performed comparatively better. The two states faced several federal inconveniences due to poor coordination between the central and state governments and leadership qualities. The response of the social diversity to the pandemic, voices of civil liberties and economic slow also marred the managerial processes in the two states. The study concludes that in times of grievous situations leaderships have to play a crucial role and the federal hindrances have to be overrun by the fresh legislations and ordinances in the interest of public health and India has fared better than United States and several of its western counterparts in meeting the pandemic.
KEYWORDS:Covid 19 pandemic, SD, Federal Inconveniences, Containment and Mitigation, WHO, DMAs.
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