VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
1Deliza Marbibi, 2Hazel Añover,
3Nicole Gerilla, 4Thrisia Mae Lapidario,
5Trisha Mae Mabag, 6Erika Kaye Gerez,
7Alejandro Lagahit,8Michelle Torreros
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City 6500, Philippines
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Motivation serves as an integral part of a student's learning process. It is considered as the driving force of students in achieving good quality performances and results from the academic tasks brought by the school as it gives students the opportunity to learn efficiently and effectively. One great factor that could influence students’ motivation is through the feedback that teachers give to their students. Teachers’ feedback is vital as it lets students adjust to their best learning by reflecting on their progress and strategies. However, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, new normal learning has been implemented which became a great challenge to the teaching and learning process and imposed issues on feedback and motivation. This qualitative research is a descriptive case study which aims to know what feedback teachers provide to students and describe how this feedback influences their motivation to learn in the new educational setting. Results have indicated that teachers’ feedback, specifically positive feedback, enhances student motivation to learn in the new normal. On the contrary, when there is a negative or no feedback at all given, students feel demotivated and would resort to self-motivation. These findings suggest that teachers’ feedback has a direct influence on students’ motivation to learn depending on the quality of the feedback given. With this premise, teachers and the institution must develop effective ways to improve teachers’ skills in delivering efficient feedback practices as it would help in enhancing students’ academic performance and improves students’ motivation to learn.
KEYWORDS:teachers’ feedback, student motivation, learning motivation, new normal learning, influence
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