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July 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
English Ability Students Faculty of Economics in the Competition of the World of Work
1Ika Nuriyanti,2 Muhammad Agus Salim, 3Ratna Nikin Hardati
1,2,3Islamic University of Malang Indonesia

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The purpose of this study was to determine the English language skills of students of the Faculty of Economics in competition in the world of work. The ability to speak English at this time is very much needed, especially in facing the era of global competition. As we know English is one of the glue tools between nations or often referred to as an international language. This triggers the necessity for every individual who wants to compete in the era of globalization to be able to speak using English. This necessity is one of the motivations for someone to be able to speak English as an effort to be categorized as an individual who is able to compete with other individuals across countries. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach, and the type of research used is literature, namely collecting data or scientific papers related to the object of research or collecting data that is library in nature. As well as a study carried out to solve a problem critically and deeply on library materials that are relevant to the research.

Research results in countries where English is not the official language: 67% of employers have an English skills gap. In English-speaking countries: 22% of employers have an English skills gap. The size of the English skills gap demonstrates how prevalent the English language requirement is - across all industries, all sizes of organizations and at all levels of management. English skills must be further trained and developed to be more applicable to the world of work. Competence in English if you want to stay competitive and collaborative in the world of work. Even in an academic context, university graduates (PT) are required to be proficient in English, in addition to other languages. Because currently the opportunities for students to take part in international mobility between countries are increasingly wide open. This opportunity, of course, only applies to students with good English skills.


ability, student, english, competition, work


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022

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