July 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
The Making of a Sale and Purchase Deed by the Land Deed Officer Process before the Signing of a Blank Form
1Benita Katri Cinantya,2 Arief Suryono, 3M.Hudi Asrori S.
1Master of Notary Student at the Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta
2,3Lecturer of the Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i7-39

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In preparing the Sale and Purchase Deed, the Land Deed Making Officer must consider the interests of the parties and fill out the form in compliance with the accompanying documents. If the PPAT orders the appearers to sign a blank form first and they are unaware of the contents of the Sale and Purchase Deed, this violates their authority because the deed is not read and the appearers are unaware of its contents, which is detrimental to the appearer and the PPAT must be held accountable for his actions. This research aims to find out the PPAT's responsibility in making the Sale and Purchase Deed which was preceded by the signing of the blank form and to find out the validity of the making of the Sale and Purchase Deed which had previously been signed on the blank form by the appearers. This is normative research in the legal sector. This law was written using both a conceptual and a statute approach. The legal materials utilized in this normative legal study include both primary and secondary legal materials. The method of data collecting used in this paper is literature study. In composing this study utilizing qualitative data analysis techniques.


Land, Sale and Purchase, Land Deed Officer, Sale and Purchase Deed, Signature, Blank Form.


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022

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