VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
1Kuni Kasyifa,2Herman Tarigan, 3Lungit Wicaksono, 4Ardian Cahyadi
1,2,3,4Lampung University
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This study aims to determine the increase in the speed of nare chagi kicks after being given treatment with ankle weight and resistance band weight training models. The research method used is a quasi-experimental method, with a pre-test and post-test research design, a sample of 30 athletes divided into 3 groups, namely two experimental groups and one control group with ordinal pairing technique. The instrument used is kicking nare chagi for 10 seconds. The results of this study: 1) there is a significant effect of ankle weight training on increasing nare chagi kick speed with data analysis t count 24,683> 1,812 from t table 2) there is a significant effect of resistance band weight training on increasing nare chagi kick speed with data analysis t 20,886> 1,812 from t table 3) Ankle weight training has a greater effect than resistance training band and exercise without using weights on increasing the speed of the nare chagi kick with an average ankle weight exercise posttest greater than the resistance band exercise , namely 28.2 > 25.6 .
KEYWORDS:Ankle Weight, Resistance Band, Nare Chagi Kicks
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