1Chimi Dema ,
2Dr. P Baburaj
Professor, Dept. of Tamil studies in foreign countries, Tamil University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i8-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
Chendebji village under Tangsibji Gewog, Trongsa Dzongkhag is a receptacle of diverse cultures. The village is known for its historical sense and the folktales. The socio-cultural practices are almost similar to other villages but they have their uniqueness in certain aspects. Moreover, modernization has exposed Chendebji to the external world and with the coming of Buddhism, there are several improvisations made to the socio-cultural aspects and the Bon practices. However, it has changed with time. Thus, the researcher explored the diverse sociocultural aspects and practices of Chendebji and studied the untouched, improvised and lost sociocultural aspects and practices of the village. The population consisted of 100 participants hailing from Chendebji. The researcher used mixed-method research, integrating structured survey questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Further, the researcher analysed the data using Descriptive and Narrative analysis. Thus, the researcher found the unique culture of Chendebji village even with the transition from then to now.
KEYWORDS:Chendebji, Folk tales, Culture, Improvisation, Modernization, Aspects and Practices
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