August 2022

Estimating the Brand Equity of Various Private National Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
Rumana Ferdouse
Assistant Professor, Green Business School, Green University of Bangladesh

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The primary objective of this research is to estimate the brand equity of several national private commercial banks in Bangladesh. It will aid these banks in understanding the competitive situation of their brand, allowing them to devise a more effective branding plan to strengthen their position in the industry.
This research employs a quantitative methodological approach. The survey method is used to collect data for the research. The responses were obtained using a technique of random sampling. The respondents were BBA students from various private universities in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The data was collected in the year 2022. Using Cochran's approach, the researcher determined the appropriate sample size for the survey. The acquired data were evaluated using one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance).
The value of F is 232.557, and its p-value is.000, which is less than the alpha threshold of .05, suggesting that it is statistically significant. Consequently, there is a statistically significant variation between the mean brand equity scores of various banks.
Each national private commercial bank in Bangladesh has its own brand equity, which fluctuates over time. Thus, knowing the current ranking of brand equity for the chosen national private commercial banks in Bangladesh would enable them to comprehend their current position in the industry and the current perceptions of their customers. So that they can modify and enhance their branding strategy based on their desired market position.


Brand Equity; Brand Awareness, Brand Recognition, Brand Recall, Brand Image.
JEL Code: M1, M3


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