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August 2022

Participatory Newspapers: A Thematic Analysis of Online News Articles and Readers’ Comments
Ghizlan ElAlaoui
Laboratory: Discourse, Creativity and Society. University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fes.

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E-newspapers have become inescapable sources of information thanks to their accessibility and interactivity. In their commentary sections, these digital platforms have given voice to their audience to have their say in what is reported. Yet, despite the popularity of such digital platforms, little is known about their interactive communication process, production and consumption. Accordingly, this study tires to investigate the interactive aspect of the most popular Moroccan e-newspaper, Hespress, in the way its journalists and readers represent the issue of irregular migration in Morocco. A thematic analysis was conducted to identify the dominant thematic patterns representing the issue of irregular migration in Hespress news articles and readers’ comments.


participatory newspapers, public sphere, interactivity, online news producers, readers’ comments, Thematic Analysis.


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