August 2022

Factors That Influence Drug Addiction: An Analysis of Tokhang Surrenderees Institution-Based Rehabilitation
Faye Lorraine P. Mina
University of the Visayas & P-5, Lower Lamac, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines

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This is a descriptive research which aimed to determine the factors influencing drug addiction extending the Dislocation Theory of Addiction. Selected variables from this theory were operationalized through indicators which were then translated into a self-reported questionnaire. In selecting the respondents, it employed homogeneous purposive sampling, with 150 Tokhang surrenderees chosen who had completed MODTRC's 6-month in-house program. The data from the survey was analyzed thru simple linear regression using IBM SPSS Statistics (version 20), and the Cronbach's alpha (1951) coefficient was used to assess the validity of variables. To determine the causal relationship of variables, data were processed using licensed versions of IBM SPSS AMOS (version 26) to perform Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), which will further show the account for a specific impact of household income (HI) and family type (FT) on substance use (SU).

The findings reveal that FT appears to be the most significant on SU with p<0.001 while HI has a significant impact on substance use, with p<0.05.Basing from the data, the study concludes that substance use (SU) is influenced by their low-income status and a product from a broken or single parent family.


Drug Addiction, Philippines, Tokhang Surrenderees, Household Income, Family Type


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