1Asrumi,2 Agustina Dewi Setiyari,3 Hanny Rasni
1,2Faculty of Humanities, University of Jember
3Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i9-43Google Scholar Download Pdf
The community's view of life and culture is determined by the language of the community itself, both in the form of language sounds and thought patterns, including the mindset about the perceived importance of ownership and nutritious food for infants/toddlers who are vulnerable to malnutrition and stunting (GBS). The problem is how young mothers think about the importance of child ownership and food for their babies/children and how it affects GBS. This is important to know because GBS babies are predicted not only because of economic factors, but because of their mindset. The purpose of this study is to reveal the mindset of mothers who have GBS babies about the perceived importance of child ownership and their toddler's daily diet. This research was conducted in Jember Regency which has a very high rate of GBS babies and maternal mortality. The data is in the form of words and sentences of young mothers about the perceived importance of having a baby/child and nutritious food. Sources of data from participants were young mothers with GBS babies, posyandu cadres, village officials, and community leaders. Collecting data using observation methods, in-depth interviews, and documentation with note-taking and recording techniques. After being classified, the data were analyzed using descriptive analytical, interpretation, and comparative approaches. The results show that the mindset of young mothers who have GBS babies is of the view that ownership of babies/children and nutritious food is very important. However, the fact is that they are still more concerned with nutritious food for their husbands and the purchase of valuable items so that it has an impact on the occurrence of GBS because children are not an asset, but as a deposit and a burden on the family. In conclusion, the mindset of mothers who consider babies/children as family assets affects the prevention of GBS (stunting) babies, starting from pregnancy, baby, and magnification
KEYWORDS:Prevention of stunting. Young mothers, Mindset, Psycholinguistics.
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